Happy Mornings: How To Make Things Easy As A Single Dad

School boy
School boy

Photo via Pixabay by Sathyatripodi

Busy mornings can be difficult for any parent, but when you’re single and doing everything yourself, they can be downright overwhelming. Making sure your child is clean and prepared for the school day isn’t the problem; it’s everything that goes along with it, such as finding shoes, getting all the necessary supplies into their backpack, and making breakfast.

For most parents, it’s all about preparation. Getting organized and preparing for things the night before can work wonders when it comes to eliminating stress, but it’s also important to take care of your own needs first so that you’re in the right headspace to begin the day.

Read on for some of the best tips on how to start the day off right.

Get organized

Preparing ahead of time for the following day will greatly reduce stress and keep everyone in a good mood, so get organized by creating an area for shoes, coats and backpacks. Set out the items you know your child will need on the night before, including homework, and don’t forget about what you need. Car keys, sunglasses, phone, and wallet should all be kept together so you can grab and go. Be sure to charge your phone overnight and lay out clothing so your own routine will go quickly, allowing you to focus on your child as soon as he wakes up. There are some great tips on how to organize your home to better suit everyone’s needs.

Turn getting ready into a game

For young children especially, waking up early and getting motivated to move quickly can be a near-impossible task. You can turn things around by making it into a game with Happy Kids Timer, an app that keeps your little ones busy in the mornings so you’re not constantly running late. If you have more than one child, you can even turn getting ready into a competition to see who can finish first!

Get up early

You may think that getting your kiddo ready for the day is the most important thing, but if you get up a little early each day and get yourself ready first, you’ll save a lot of time and hassle. Even setting the alarm for 15 minutes earlier than usual will give you time to shower and sit with a cup of coffee before the chaos of the day begins; this will boost your mood and keep you feeling in control of things. For a few more tips on how take care of yourself first, read on here.

Start the day off right

Everyone will have a bad day if things get off to a stressful start, so make sure you give the morning a positive spin by having a little time to relax with your child. Snuggle for a few minutes before he gets out of bed, or have breakfast together. Every child is different, so tailor your time together according to what makes him feel the best, and be sure to engage him in conversation rather than giving orders, which might only make him feel combatant.

Pick your battles

Life is hard enough without having an argument with your four-year old about the fact that he doesn’t want to wear the shirt you picked out for him. Give up control on the small things and save your energy for the rest of the day.

Mornings don’t have to be hectic and rushed; choose the best way to handle the start of each day and take things one step at a time in order to avoid becoming overwhelmed. Not only will this help with your own mental health, it will allow your child to have a much smoother transition from bed to school.

Written by dadsolo.com

Dev Evo
We are an open community of parents, making sure our children use smart devices not just to play games. Therefore we developed a must-have app for every parent (as featured on media) - to stay sane when kids test your nerve :-) and turn children's morning routines into a funny game.

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