Get more control over your morning/evening routines
The free version of the Happy Kids Timer Chores application will allow you to use all activities, however, only with predefined settings. You can get more control over your routines, if you purchase the game. You can purchase it via Buy button accessible from app’s home screen.

Unlock features and personalize common settings
The purchase lets you actively participate in setting up the application. You can setup a reward that you will give your child to motivate him or her to finish all chores on time; and the count of stars to be collected to receive the reward. The reward will also appear on the completion certificate that can be printed or e-mailed. You can rename predefined activities, change the order or duration of each activity. Even minimal duration of a chore can be set. If you don’t want to put your kid under pressure, you can disable the timer (suitable for ADHD or autistic kids). Enabling or disabling a chore will let you adjust morning or bedtime routines more precisely with regard to your home habits.
Get four additional chores
Sometimes predefined chores are not enough for your kid. Does your kid forget to walk the dog before school, feed the cat or gold fish, or even leave home without keys? This issue can be resolved with a custom activity.
For your convenience, the purchase will add four custom activities to your morning routines and another four to your evening routine. For these four activities you can:
- specify a custom name,
- upload a photo to appear during the activity, or
- adjust timing (minimal/maximal duration).

What morning chores are included?

Getting ready on time

Get dressed

Eating their breakfast

Brush their teeth

Put their shoes on

Pack their bag
What bedtime chores are included?
- 1
Tidy your room
- 2
Go to the toilet
- 3
Take a shower or bath
- 4
Put on your pajamas
- 5
Brush your teeth
- 6
Prepare your clothes for tomorrow
- 7
Read a book, turn the lights off and go to sleep